
"Til Dusk 01 & 02" ©2016

"ODE"  ©2016

"Untitled"  ©2015

"Untitled"  ©2015

Jason S. Yi exhibition at Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.  MMoCA

"Terraform" ©2015

"A Fragile Permanence" ©2014

Duct tape and wood 2013 at Haggerty Art Museum's Current Tendencies Mylar tape drawings, colored pencil, map

"Terraform 01" ©2013

"Untitled" drawings in series  ©2013

Installation art at Inside Out Art Museum in Beijing, China 2012 and early 2013 Installation art at Inside Out Art Museum in Beijing, China 2012 and early 2013

"That Hollow Feeling" ©2012

"Untitled" ©2012

Graphite and Spray foam drawing on paper depicting landscape. pvc tubing sculpture installed at Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, MMoCA, rooftop

"Untitled" drawings @2  ©2012

"Legend of the White Snake"  ©2010


Unsuspecting tourist portraits in Huangshan in China Video art dealing with memory acquired by Milwaukee Art Museum

"Yellow Mountain Project 02" series of 5  ©2007

"Familiar" ©2006

Jason S. Yi ---- all rights reserved ©2025 ---- site last updated 02/21/2025

"Dissimulations" series  ©2021

"Plume 01"  ©2019

"Dis/Appearance"  ©2018

"Terraform 04"  ©2016

"Terraform 03"  ©2016

"Terraform 02"  ©2015

mylar tape, colored pencil, sumi ink on paper 2013 at Haggerty Art Museum's Current Tendencies

"Collision Courses" ©2013

Milwaukee work created for New Space Center of Photography  in Portland, Oregon

"Yellow & Silver" series  ©2013

installation at Wright Museum of Art in Beloit, Wisconsin

"Move a Mountain" ©2012

drawing commision for Milwaukee Art Museum, MAM, 10th anniversary benefit auction CAS

"Untitled" drawing  ©2008

Packing peanut sculpture and it will melt in water.

"Allusion to Diamond Mountains"  ©2006